The best of the alien species generator

Our random alien species generator creates imaginative alien species using only binary code, sticky tape, and discarded bits of old nonsense. If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend you give it a spin.

I’ve been playing around with the random generator my self lately, and I’ve realized that it is capable of coming up with some real gems. Here are some of the best randomly generated aliens I’ve come across so far…


Name: Entirians

Home-world: Tirizar

A race of small flying reptiles with large fangs and a deadly venomous bite. They are extremely hostile towards all species but their own. They have an extremely low-tech civilization and do not build their own starships, but they have been known to hitchhike on alien trading vessels. Their society is organized into several religious factions, each ruled by either a high priestess or a council of religious elders. Some religious groups actively promote the ritual killing of other life forms.

These bat-like aliens could easily be the mindless predatory creatures that sneak aboard your ship and slaughter you in your sleep, but the fact that they are motivated by religious fanaticism makes them all the scarier.


Name: Sheromi

Home-world: Terronda

A race of tiny humanoids with yellow eyes and purple skin. The entire species is addicted to a plant pollen that is common on their world. The microscopic pollen is carried on the wind and reaches every island and continent. They naturally produce a chemical that can be used to cure many different illnesses. Because of this, many members of their species have been captured by another race and used for medical experiments.

Being addicted to plant pollen might make it difficult for these little purple people to leave their planet. I like the idea that addictive pollen is somehow linked to the Sheromi’s medical properties. Maybe there is some kind of symbiotic relationship at work here that has so far prevented other races from grinding them all into a fine powder and selling it as a cure for space-measles.


Name: Molzons

Home-world: Nagusa

A race of genetically enhanced amphibians with large eyes and green skin. Their culture is highly competitive and places a great deal of emphasis on competitive sports and games. Most individuals play some form of sport, whether it is a physical game or an intellectual game. Contact sports are extremely popular, as are games of strategy. Their leaders are selected by way of a sporting tournament. In order to win a position in the government, players must prove themselves in a variety of different sports, including both physical and mental challenges.

I think these aliens would make great bad-guys, or at least antagonists. The best bad-guys aren’t nasty just for the sake of it, they have identifiable reasons to be hostile with which we can relate in this case a desire to prove themselves and gain some kind of recognition. An obsession with sports wouldn’t necessarily make the every individual Molzon hostile (unless they’re all taking steroids), but it might make their society rather war-like, war is essentially a giant team sport afterall. Of course, sports also teach us to play by the rules, so these aliens might make loyal allies too.

The fact that the sport-obsessed Molzons are amphibious is a little left-field. Surely only a random generator could make such an interesting match.


Name: Sozarians

Home-world: Dyonin

A race of reptilian insectivores with large bulbous eyes. These time-travelers originate in the distant future. When their home-world was destroyed by a natural disaster, they traveled millions of years back in time to found a new empire in the here and now. Having long ago mastered the intricacies of time-travel, they now sell the ability to alter history to other species. The price for this service is extremely high, and they of course make sure that any changes will not adversely affect their own history.

Why bother searching for a new world when you can just go back in time and start history all over again, with better technology? Well, the grandfather paradox for one. But if you can overcome that little problem, the sky’s the limit – or rather the lifespan of your local star is the limit.


Name: Rwaddi

Home-world: Walafon IV

A race of venomous siphonophores who change colour when angry. They have latent telepathic abilities and live in the thick atmosphere of a carbon dioxide rich gas giant. The atmosphere of their planet has become toxic due to centuries of war and pollution. The rich now live inside large bio-domes, safe from the deadly effects of breathing the atmosphere, while the poor are forced to live outside.

The idea of bio-domes in the atmosphere of a gas giant intrigues me. They must be huge floating glass spheres. These floating creatures must have some form of industry in order to build such structures, and to have poisoned the atmosphere in the first place, I wonder what that might look like.


Name: Qual

Home-world: Nahar

A race of deeply religious avians who produce silk from glands in their abdomens. Their tails continue growing throughout their entire lives, and the length of an individual’s tail can be a good indicator of age. Their government routinely assassinates members of society that are deemed to be dangerous to the safety of others. It is seen as their responsibility to do so.

This little idea sets my imagination on fire. Just think what kinds of intricate webs and structure birds would be able to make if they could spin silk while flying. They might use this to build nests, webs and nets for catching prey, even complex structures. With their long tail feathers, I imagine these flying aliens to be quite beautiful, but they would also seem to be quite ruthless.


Name: Mustafassians

Home-world: Vennis

A race of intelligent mollusks who are obsessed with gadgetry. The evolved to find shelter in the discarded shells of other creatures, much like a hermit crab. In their modern, industrialized society, they manufacture high-tech, personalized shells equipped with a variety of computerized gadgets. They believe in an all-knowing creator god called Essaran and are obsessed with spreading the word of their religion to members of other alien races.

Techno-snails! If these guys show up on your doorstep asking if you’d like to hear about our lord and savior Essaran, make sure you put a sheet down before you invite them in.

The thinking with this idea (which I’ll admit is considerably less randomized than others) is that the snail’s techn0-shells would be somewhere between an iPhone and Inspector Gadget’s hat. Now, I’m not suggesting that they can sprout helicopter blades or anything, just that carrying around so much tech all day might make them even more dependent on it than we are.


Name: Bolugians

Home-world: Byzan IV

A race of telekinetic bovids with extendable limbs and poisonous spines on their heads. They express their emotions through the excretion of variously colored bodily fluids. They prefer not to leave their home-world and use holographic representations of themselves to explore the galaxy instead.

What’s stranger than a spoon-bending cow with extendable legs? A spoon-bending cow with extendable legs and a poisonous hair-do, of course. An encounter with a Bolugian would be made all the stranger when it starts sweating with glee and spews up a load of pink “pleased to meet you” juice. Still, at least it would only be holographic vomit.

These have to be the craziest, most random alien creatures it’s possible to invent. I’m not at all surprised that they don’t get out much; if I was one of these guys I wouldn’t want to leave the house either, and the thought of meeting potentially hostile species would fill me with… oh no, apprehension juice! That’s gonna stain.